“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof”.
In the life of every man, there are confronting circumstances as we see even in the life of Jesus Christ of Nazareth while on earth. In Matthew 8:26, the Bible recorded that He was enjoying His sleep in the boat when the storm confronted Him and His disciples. Jesus took action; He spoke to the ears of the storm and the storm responded with calm. This confirms that the storm heard him and could respond.
Similarly, in Mark 11:14, Jesus spoke to the fig tree and the tree responded appropriately to His desires. In Eze 37: 4, prophet Ezekiel, following God’s instruction, spoke to the ears of the dry bones and the bones responded accordingly. Likewise, Joshua spoke to the Sun and it obeyed, despite its distance from the earth (Jos 10: 12). In Numbers 16: 30-33, Moses spoke, the ground heard, and responded by swallowing his opposition. This confirms the Word of Jesus in Mark 11: 23 that, with faith, one can tell the mountain to move and it will obey. We also know that in Proverbs 18: 21 the Bible says “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof”. When people oppose us, don’t we respond to them by speaking? Why then should we not use the power of our tongue against visble and invisible oppositions confronting our lives?
The above references emphasize that faith is the underlying requirement and it comes by hearing the Word of God. The few scriptures above are enough to produce the mustard seed of faith needed to speak into your circumstances.
However, faith without works is dead. It is time for action. Speak to the circumstances of life in the name of Jesus Christ, and watch them respond favorably to your desires. Creation hears, obeys and awaits the manifestation of men. Do not delay your miracle, for your day of testimony is at hand. I decree that you will experience your spiritual realities all through the month of June in Jesus name. Amen.
Action Point: Pray three times a day consistently for 30 days and watch how heaven responds.
This article was written by Peter Akinnubi. He is the Senior Pastor of Family of Faith Chapel Albany, Ga.
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