Understanding God and His ways

The Works and the Attributes of Holy Spirit: John 16: 5 - 7
When Jesus was about to leave the world, He promised His disciples that He will send the Comforter. According to John 16:5-7, this comforter is the Holy Spirit which is the third of the Trinity. Trinity means the union of three Divine existence who is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. The Godhead is three beings in one. The Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit work together, and as one. For example, they created the world in Gen 1:26. When God confounded the language of the man at the tower of Babel,
they were together, Gen 11: 6-7. At the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ, Father Son, and Spirit were represented, Matt 3: 16 – 17. Every baptism of believers involves the trinity, Matt 28:19.; and anytime we share the Grace, we invoke the presence of the three, 2 Cor 13:14
"The Spirit of God has personalities that show that he is a being and not a thing"
Works of Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus Christ Our Lord
Holy Spirit has been working before the day of Pentecost, however, His manifestation in the life of believers began on the day of Pentecost. Throughout the ministry of Christ on earth, the Holy Spirit was with Him. Right from birth till the time of ascension. Before His birth, the Holy Spirit was the agent of the father in Mary who got pregnant, Luke 1:35. At the Baptism of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit descended like a dove upon Him for ministerial anointing, Luke 3:21-22. As christ went from community to community declaring the kingdom of God, the Holy Spirit anointed Him for signs and wonders, Luke 4: 18, Acts 10:38, and the Spirit led Him for service, Luke 4:1-14. After the death of Christ, the Holy Spirit raised him from death on the third day, Rom 8:11. If the Holy Spirit worked constantly in the life of Jesus, as believers, we need the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Attributes Of The Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit has the same attributes as God. He is Omnipresent, that is He is present everywhere, Ps 139:7-8; He is Omnipotent, which is all-powerful; Nothing is too hard for him, Lk 1:35; He is Omniscient, He, therefore, knows all things, 1 Cor 2:10-11; He is holy, and there is no single sin in Him Rev 4:8, 6:10, 15:4; He is eternal, His existence had no beginning and will have no end; He is from everlasting to everlasting, Heb 9:14; He is faithful and reliable Ps 36:5; and He has knowledge and wisdom, 1 Tim 1:17
"The Spirit of God is a companion, friend, tutor, guardian, consultant, comforter, and counselor to every child of God"
The Personalities of the Holy Spirit
The Spirit of God has personalities that show that he is a being and not a thing. The Holy Spirit speaks, Rev 2:7, Jn 16:13-15; teaches, Jn 14:26; guides, Jn 16:13; comforts, Acts 9:31; prays, Rom 8:26; intercedes, Rom 8:27; helps us in our weakness, Rom 8:26; testifies of the Lord, Jn 15:26; calls people to the work of God, Acts 13:2; groans, Rom 8:26; has emotions and feelings e.g anger- Eph 4:30, Matt12:31-32, Mk 3:29; commands people in their services of Jesus Christ, Acts 16:6-7; makes plans and carries them out, 1 Cor 12:11, Acts 16:6-7; hears when we call on him, Jn 16:13; and takes decisions.
The Spirit of God is a companion, friend, tutor, guardian, consultant, comforter, and counselor to every child of God. It is therefore essential to understand Him, and doggedly seek Him
This article was edited by the Sunday School department of Family of Faith Chapel. familyoffaithchapel.org. Culled from PPC Sunday School Manual.